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  Ministry of National Defense: US Attempts to Maintain Hegemony and Intimidate the World with Nuclear Power


  记者:近日,美日外长防长“2 2”会议宣布重组驻日美军司令部,并对中国持续快速扩展核武库表示担忧。美防长奥斯汀在同期召开的美日“延伸威慑”首次部长会议上声明,“延伸威慑”是美日同盟的核心。请问中方对此有何评论?

  Question: At their recent “2 2” Ministerial Meeting, the US and Japan announced the reconstitution of the US Forces Japan (USFJ) and expressed concerns over China’s ongoing and rapid expansion of its nuclear weapons arsenal. Lloyd Austin, US Secretary of Defense, said at the first US-Japan Ministerial Meeting on Extended Deterrence that “extended deterrence” is at the core of US-Japan alliance. Do you have any comment?


  Zhang Xiaogang: The US and Japan recently have been playing up the so-called “China military threat” to make up excuses for closer military ties. Such acts provoke bloc confrontation and undermine regional peace and stability. We are firmly opposed to that.


  As we all know, the US poses the biggest nuclear threat to the world. In possession of the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, the US follows a nuclear policy that allows first-use of nuclear weapons. In recent years, the US has invested heavily to miniaturize nuclear weapons, lowering the threshold of their use in real-combat, and used nuclear weapons as a bait to hijack its allies and partners. Its irresponsible decisions and actions have resulted in the proliferation of nuclear risks, and its attempts to maintain hegemony and intimidate the world with nuclear power have been fully exposed. As the only country victimized by nuclear strikes, Japan is not learning lessons from history, but panders to the US to gain the so-called “nuclear deterrence”. This will only exacerbate regional tensions and increase the risk of nuclear proliferation and nuclear conflicts.


  China pursues a nuclear strategy of self-defense, and is committed to the policy of no first use of nuclear weapons. China does not engage in any nuclear arms race with any other country, and keeps its nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required for national security. Countries that do not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against China will never be threatened by China’s nuclear weapons. We urge the US and Japan to abandon their Cold-War mentality, recognize that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, reduce the role of nuclear weapons in national and collective security policies, and take concrete actions to promote global strategic stability, instead of doing the opposite.





